The Applied Karate Show Episode 012 – Mario McKenna Sensei

Applied Karate #011 (mp3 – 19MB – 55 mins)



In this episode of The Applied Karate Show we start the show with a bit of a round up some news in the world of karate, including

  • The deafening silences of The Applied Karate Show (I promise to be more regular)
  • Shorinjiryu Karate Australia becoming a part of the Shorinjiryu Kenyukai Watanabe Ha World Federation
  • The new series on the History Channel – The Human Weapon

I also discuss the introduction of my new regular karate and related arts newsletter and blog, The Essential Karate News. Sign up now for regular information on karate, kobudo, kettlebells and related aspects. Its free, and I will do my best to make it informative.

In the main feature of Episode 12 our guest is Mario McKenna Sensei.

A karate and kobudo instructor now resident in Vancouver, Canada, Mario is the only western exponent of the little known branch of Naha-te known as Tou’on-ryu Karate, founded by Juhatsu Kyoda, the senior most student of Naha-te under Kanryo Higashionna, and a fellow student of the famous Chojun Miyagi of Goju-ryu. Having lived in Japan for many years, Mario sensei is a well versed practitioner of Gojuryu and Tou’on-ryu karate and Ryukyu Kobudo. A psychologist by training (with a Masters degree in Sports Psychology), Mario clearly works to balance both the academic and physical aspects of our art, in the tradition of Bun Bu Ryo Do. Please join in as we discuss

  • Starting out in Gohakukai Karate in Canada
  • Moving to Amami Ohshima in Japan’s south, and taking up Ryukyu Kobudo under a direct student of Shinken Taira
  • Moving to Kyushu, where he continued his studies of Ryukyu Kobudo (under Katsumi Murakami sensei, a direct student of Motokatsu Inoue), and taking up Tou’on Ryu Karate
  • The differences between Tou’on-ryu and Goju-ryu
  • The value of weapons practice for karateka (something that Mario sensei says shouldn’t be considered in the first 2 years of training – listen why to find out)
  • The concept of Bun Bu Ryo Do

Be sure to visit Mario’s website, and also subscribe to his informative blog.

Audio Message

We love feedback. You can leave an audio message by clicking on the icon above. If you’re in Australia, you could also leave a message on our feedback line at (02) 90189302 (+61-2-90189302 for international callers). I would love to include appropriate audio messages in future shows! Email can be sent to Of course, you can leave a comment below, or alternatively, post over on The Applied Karate Forum.

I’d appreciate it if you could pop over to and vote for us, or comment and rate us in iTunes through the music store.

Applied Karate #011 (mp3 – 19MB – 55 mins)


3 thoughts on “The Applied Karate Show Episode 012 – Mario McKenna Sensei

  1. Good way to kick off the return! Interesting subject, but I think it took too long to get to what Tou’on-ryu Karate is and then I didn’t really get a feel for what makes it so different.


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