Jissen (meaning actual combat) is published by Iain Abernethy, and contains information by, for and about martial artists interested the pragmatic applications of their art.
Issue 7 of Jissen contains a number of very interesting articles. As a kettlebell enthusiast, I was quickly drawn to the article Functional Training With Kettlebells For Karate’s Hojo Undo, by Chris Denwood, which contains a practical perspective on the role of kettlebells in karate training. I also enjoyed the interview with Gavin Mulholland, author of Four Shades of Black, an excellent exploration of some of the more functional aspects of Goju karate.
Other articles in Issue 7 of Jissen include:
- The Gurkhas: Masters of the Kukri
- Cross Training and its Relevance for Sport
- Functional Training With Kettlebells For Karate’s Hojo Undo
- Structure and Function of a Knife: Knife as Weapon Series
- Gavin Mullholland Interview
- Speed in Training
- Kyusho
- Ben Hockman Interview on Training in Urban Krav Maga
- It’s Hard to Fight When You Can’t See
- How Many Martial Artists Does it Take to Screw in a Light bulb?
- Martial Arts Scepticism: How Factual is Martial Arts TV
- Fighting Dirty: Karate/TKD’s/TSD’s Most Commonly used Technique
- Dead or Alive
- The Martial Arts Unanswered Question
- The Roundhouse Kick: Karate’s best Kick or a Threat to your Survival?
- Karate’s History
I hope you enjoy issue 7 of Jissen