Links of Interest for 03 December 2015

Links of Interest for 03 December 2015

KU Quick Tips: Foot & Knee Alignment – YouTube

1782 – Sonnerat on Sanchin? | Ryukyu Bugei ????. Andreas Quast relates yet another interesting find from his martial history research.

Morihiro Saito: Expunged from the History of the Iwama Dojo! by Stanley Pranin. Interesting tale showcasing an all too typical scenario of revisionist history that seems to occur regularly in various budo organisations.

Links of Interest for 01 December 2015

Links of Interest for 01 December 2015

Shinseidokan dojo: An Alternative approach to karate…. Mike Clarke Sensei links to the Journeys in Japan episode on Okinawan karate.

This may sound strange, but for me, it’s the footage of the presenter walking around and discovering each dojo for the first time that I find the most exciting, it reminds me of my early days exploring…..

Good manners in self-protection | Iain Abernethy. Iain Abernethy Sensei discusses the role of manners as a self defence technique. I have long taught that the maxim karate begins and ends with courtesy means far more than bowing in the dojo.

Surely good manners and an intent to develop character must be a fundamental part of any practical approach; regardless of whether one chooses to use the label “do” or “jutsu”?