Remaining Podcast Episodes Back Online

As previously posted, I have been working through the process of bringing old episodes of The Applied Karate Show podcast back online. Previoulsy episodes 1 through 4 and episodes 9 through 15 were restored, and I am pleased to advise that the remaining episodes (5 through 8) are now online.

These episodes comprise the following interviews, including some of my alltime favourites:

The next phase of my project is to start to setup new interviews for future new episodes. Please stay tuned!

Podcast Episodes Coming Back Online

Since The Podcast Network went dark, the back catalogue of The Applied Karate Show episodes has been unavailable. I, like a number of listeners that have left comments or contacted me by Twitter or Facebook, have felt this was a shame.

So I am pleased to announce that I’ve setup a hosting arrangement on a paid Libsyn account.

If you go to the Podcasts page on this site, you’ll be able to download those episodes that are already available. I have a monthly limit, so I started by getting the first four episodes uploaded (they were among the more popular), and then worked backwards from the most recent. So all bar four episodes 5–8 are now online!

These will be uploaded in about a months time, when I get my next bandwidth allotment.

During the next month I am going to consider the best path to go forward. I do want to revitalise the show, but it does take time. And some money. I have some plans for future guests, and would really like to get going with a monthly episode.

Feedback would really help me out – do you want more episodes? Who would you like to have as interview guests? Let me know in the comments, or contact me through Twitter.

Episodes Currently Available Online

Where are The Applied Karate Podcast episodes?

The Podcast Network, the host of The Applied Karate Show’s podcasts has "gone dark", and thus the show links on the Podcasts page (and the links in the posts for the individual episodes) are currently inactive.

I am exploring some other options for hosting the past episodes so they can be accessible by all, as the purpose of the show has always been to bring the stories of a range of practitioners to all those interested.

On behalf of the listeners of The Applied Karate Show and myself, I wish to thank Cameron Reilly of TPN for having hosted the show for so long.

Please check back for the historical shows soon.

As for new episodes, The Applied Karate Podcast is on hiatus for now, but I do have plans to produce another season as time and opportunity permits.

Latest Iain Abernethy Podcast: Funakoshi’s 20 Precepts

Iain Abernethy Sensei has posted his latest podcast, a discussion on the 20 Precepts of Gichin Funakoshi, the pioneer of karate in Japan.

Iain does a great job of discussing each of the 20 precepts, and providing his own insight into them.

I always find that Iain’s works are thoughtful and insightful, and well worth the read/listen. Enjoy!

The Applied Karate Show Episode 14 – Chris Denwood Sensei

Applied Karate #014 (mp3 – 27MB – 60 mins) DOWNLOAD EPISODE 014 OF THE APPLIED KARATE SHOW

Kicking off our new monthly schedule of podcasts in The Applied Karate Show podcast series is episode 14, featuring Chris Denwood sensei of the Eikoku Satori Karate-do Kyokai (E.S.K.K®).

Chris has been practicing martial arts since childhood, having started under the watchful eye of instructors like Doug James sensei of the British Karate-Do Chojinkai and Iain Abernethy sensei (guest on Episode 9 of The Applied Karate Show podcast), and currently holds the rank of 4th Dan with the English Karate Federation. He is Founder and Chief Instructor of the E.S.K.K® and a senior instructor with the British Karate-Do Chojinkai, one of the most respected and successful associations in the UK. He is also a nationally qualified fitness coach and advanced level kettlebell lifting instructor.

A columnist and key writer for Combat, Traditional Karate and Jissen magazines, as well as a regular contributor to a number of other martial arts/fitness periodicals and online publications, Chris has written over sixty pieces on subjects including the technical and pragmatic aspects of traditional karate, functional fitness, kettlebell lifting and general motivation/positive thinking.

Chris is also author of the internationally acclaimed two-disc kata bunkai DVD Acorns to Oak Trees and has recently published his first book entitled Respecting the Old Creating the New, which is an accumulation of around five years work, combining a selection of his articles on traditional karate for self-protection and personal growth.

Chris currently lives on the edge of the western Lake District in Cumbria, England, where he regularly trains with and teaches to a dedicated membership of karate practitioners and fitness enthusiasts. He is also active on the seminar circuit, where his courses and workshops have gained excellent reviews from martial artists nationwide.

I trust you enjoy this interview with Chris Denwood sensei, a karateka who struck me as being very sincere, thoughtful and dedicated to the pursuit of classical karate. Chris discusses his approach to karate and strength and conditioning training, his background, his 2010 trip to Okinawa and much more. You can get in touch with Chris sensei through the web links above.

We love feedback. Email can be sent to For up-to-date info on the Applied Karate Show, follow us on Twitter – we’re @appliedkarate. Of course, you can leave a comment below, or join us for the ongoing conversation on The Applied Karate Show Facebook page at

I’d appreciate it if you could rate us and leave a comment in iTunes through the music store.

The Applied Karate Show Podcast Schedule


I am now in the process of putting together the next episode of The Applied Karate Show podcast. The interview is recorded, and the show will be out shortly.

When, you ask? Well thats the reason for this post.

I’ve been thinking a bit about the show. I really enjoy doing it, and have come to the conclusion that if its going to happen, I need to set a schedule and stick to it.

So, going forward, the plan is to release one podcast interview per month, with the episode going live on the 15th day of the month.

This is a schedule that should be “do-able”, and will help in preventing the old issue of “life getting in the way”. I am currently drawing up a schedule of interviews for the coming months, and this will help me to lock in.

I trust you’ll enjoy the podcast when its back “on the pod”, and as always, I would appreciate any input or suggestions you might have.

Podcasts I’m Listening To

While you’re waiting for me to get The Applied Karate Show podcast back on air, there are some other excellent martial arts related podcasts you should be listening to:

Iain Abernethy’s Podcast

Ian is a UK based “pragmatic traditionalist” karateka who puts out a monthly podcast where he discusses his views and insights into all aspects of karate related to real world applications. A true skeptic when it comes to many of the kata application claims made by some traditionalists, Iain has a way of not backing down when it comes to firmly but politely making his point. Iain was interviewed in episode 9 of the Applied Karate Show.

Martial Secrets

A very regular podcast being put out by Seattle based Goju karateka Kris Wilder and Lawrence Kane, Martial Secrets is generally a two person discussion between the hosts on a variety of martial arts related topics. Occasionally the show focuses on interviews by one of the hosts with a variety of people who are knowledgeable in the arts, or have insights into human nature, psychology or violence as it relates to them. Kris was interviewed in Episode 3 of the Applied Karate Show.

Karate Cafe

Karate Cafe is probably the grand-daddy of karate podcasts, and has gone through several iterations of hosts and formats. Its quite regular at the moment, and I enjoy listening to Paul and Dan discussing a variety of topics.

The DenshoW

Hosted by professional broadcaster and martial artist, Chris Kaye, The DenshoW is a semi-regular show the provides a news roundup of various topics of interest to martial artists, along with short interviews.


I hope you enjoy these, and look forward to bringing you more episodes of The Applied Karate Show soon.

The Applied Karate Show Episode 13 – Pat Nakata Sensei

Applied Karate #013 (mp3 – 31MB – 30 mins)


After a long hiatus, the Applied Karate Show podcast is back with what I like to refer to as Season 2! Going forward, its my plan to release one episode each month, hopefully on the 15th or so of the month.

This special guest for the launch of season 2 is Pat Nakata Sensei, a longtime practitioner of Chibana Shorinryu Karate hailing from Honolulu, Hawaii. Nakata Sensei has been practicing martial arts for over 60 years, with more than 50 years of karate practice. His teachers include some well known names, including Ohtsuka Hironori Sensei (Wadoryu founder) and Walter Nishioka Sensei. Perhaps his main teacher however was Shorinryu pioneer Chibana Choshin Sensei, under whom Nakata Sensei trained for a year, whilst living on Okinawa.

In this interview, Nakata Sensei speaks about his genesis in budo, starting with Judo at the tender age of 5, and moving into karate from age 14. He discusses visiting Japan and Okinawa with Nishioka Sensei, and his experiences in staying on in Okinawa, training under the watchful eye of Chibana Sensei. He discusses the differences between one-on-one and group training in Chibana Sensei’s dojo, and how Chibana Sensei imparted kata meaning and philosophical aspects.

He also talks about kobudo training with Nagaishi Fumio Sensei and Kyan Shinyei Sensei, and the changes in karate over the past 50 years.

Nakata Sensei also discusses training at his own dojo, and why he has done away with any form of ranking, and also the karate gi jacket.

For more information about Pat Nakata Sensei, please visit the website of his student John Oberle at Bujutsu Blogger.

We love feedback. Email can be sent to For up-to-date info on the Applied Karate Show, follow us on Twitter – we’re @appliedkarate. Of course, you can leave a comment below, or alternatively, post over on The Applied Karate Forum.

I’d appreciate it if you could rate us in iTunes through the music store.

Applied Karate #013 (mp3 – 31MB – 30 mins)


Applied Karate Show podcast update

The Applied Karate ShowAfter a long hiatus, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for The Applied Karate Show podcast.

There were several issues that saw the show go into hibernation, including the crashing of the entire server system for TPN. TPN has rebuilt its server infrastructure, and has a renewed focus and direction, so its time for the Applied Karate Show podcast to get back on the air!

Firstly, the files for all the episodes have been re-loaded to the site. So if you were trying to download the show and getting an error message, you can not get these. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Secondly, I am planning the second generation of the Applied Karate Show, so would love to know your thoughts, etc, on the show, what you’d like to see, who you’d like to see interviewed, etc.

Please leave a comment on this post to let me know, and I look forward to being back on the pod soon.

Stretching in Karate

Paul and co. at the Karate Cafe podcast have started a new series of “minisodes”. The latest (minisode 7) features a brief update from sports trainer Matthew Matson.

In this update, Matthew provides a brief update on flexibility, which he defines as “strength through a range of motion”, as opposed to pliability. He also differentiates static stretching, active stretching, PNF stretching and dynamic stretching.

An important point is that static stretching can actually lead to injury, and should be avoided in all situations except for rehabilitation, postural correction and post-workout. This is somewhat challenging as many traditional and contemporary martial arts schools use static stretching prior to training.

In the Kengokan Dojo, I have been reviewing our warmup exercises progressively over quite some time, and have removed most static stretches, instead emphasising active and dynamic stretching. Static stretching is left for after class, if at all.

Thanks to the Karate Cafe crew for this great minisode. Listen here.